More Cluttered than Ever…

Well, around late August, early September, I fell off my “clutter free house” bandwagon.  It didn’t seem like much of a problem at the time.  The house (and all the storage spaces) were relatively uncluttered.  I’m not sure what happened over the past couple of months, but, oh do I have a problem!  My kitchen counter is full of stuff, my kitchen table is piled with old photos that I decided to go through and sort, now I need to find a place to store them, in some sort of order that I have them sorted.  My dining room has become my sewing room.  Needless to say there are little fabric and thread scraps all over the rug in there (I do try to pick them up ever couple of days), sewing maching on the table, notion boxes out (because the minute I put one away, I pull it back out looking for something)… I really need to get my “How to Conquor Clutter” book back out and re-read it, well, what I really need to do is get back on my de-clutter the house bandwagon, and work on these things a little bit every day.  I know in no time, the house will be back to being clutter-free.  🙂

2 responses to “More Cluttered than Ever…

  1. It’s funny how our ‘stuff’ seems to go in waves (and I’m glad to discover I’m not the only one with this!). I too get moments of clutter-free and super organisation and then moments of utter clutter everywhere! Hm..I wonder what it’s linked to…